Saturday, July 31, 2010

Throw A Party!

Need an excuse to have a ladies night? Would you like a free service? Than throw a party of your choice. I'll have a cocktail and a brow wax please! Get all your girlfriends together and enjoy getting the treatments you were going to get anyway, in the comforts of your own home! It's up to you how you want to combine treatments. You can do a spray tan party, a waxing or skin care party or combine all 3 services in one!
Have a pre-teen or teen that needs some make-up guidance? Do you need a couple make-up tips too? Throw a make over party and get your daughter's friends together for a professional make-up lesson! Or simply throw a make over party for her, while my hair stylist friend accompanies me, and we'll get everyone dolled up for a night out! This would be a great birthday idea!
Talk to me about pricing, free hosting incentives and lets book something fantastic!